Banks Making Inroads Into Insurance Market


Auto Insurance protects you at the time of an accident and from a variety of perils that can cause losses. When you purchase auto Insurance you’re purchasing coverage for more than the replacement or repair of your vehicle after an auto accident. You are purchasing financial protection for one of the largest investments you will make. Financial loss may include medical bills and legal services as a result of an accident caused by you, someone else or an act of nature. Options for automobile coverage can range from the most basic protection plans that meet or exceed the required minimums set in place by your state to extra protection to keep you and your loved ones financially safe and secure.

Our Insurance consultants are well-versed on the auto insurance options that exist in today’s insurance marketplace and because we represent some of the finest national and regional carriers in the country, we can help you choose the coverage that’s right for your needs, goals and budget. Every company has a different policy when it comes to traffic tickets. Some will raise your rates for 3-5 years, while others may apply a surcharge for the first year. A driving record that is clean and free of accidents will hold far better for you than lots of tickets and/or accidents.

Your driving record tells insurance companies a lot about you. If your driving history contains numerous examples of poor judgment and unsafe driving habits, most Insurance companies will view you as an unattractive customer, and may either refuse to provide coverage or provide coverage at a higher rate. As the rules of the Central Bank of Iran prohibit lenders from offering high deposit rates to lure more savings, some banks have come up with alternative methods to get ahead in the race to attract savings, both big and small. However, different insurers may charge different premiums for similar policies; so, finding the price that is right for you requires some legwork.

However, the bank has set some conditions for the special privilege: for a property insurance coverage you need to at least have 100 million rials ($3,290) in your account. For coverage against natural disasters and accidents you need to have 500 million rials and if you can boast 1 billion rials in your account you will be eligible for a free supplementary health Insurance. But for the average folks things are obviously not so plain and simple. Ali Hadavand, a 55-year-old truck driver says he was offered with considerable discounts on his third-party vehicle policy when he went to Saman Bank. The policy limit is the maximum amount an insurer will pay under a policy for a covered loss. Maximums may be set per period (e.g., annual or policy term), per loss or injury, or over the life of the policy, also known as the lifetime maximum.

The Insurance industry in Pakistan is relatively small compared to its peers in the region. The insurance penetration and density remained very modest as compared to other jurisdictions while the insurance sector remained underdeveloped relative to its potential. The Pakistani insurance market has undergone major structural changes in last few years through mergers of companies to meet the increased statutory requirement of minimum paid up capital as per Insurance Ordinance 2000. Some companies who were unable to raise this capital have been asked to close down their operations. The Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), Insurance Division.

Businesses require special types of Insurance policies that insure against specific types of risks faced by the particular business. For example, a fast food restaurant needs a policy that covers damage or injury that occurs as a result of cooking with a deep fryer. An auto dealer is not subject to this type of risk but does require coverage for damage or injury that could occur during test drives. There are also insurance policies available for very specific needs, such as kidnap and ransom (K&R), medical malpractice, and professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance. For example, if you own several expensive automobiles and have a history of reckless driving, you will likely pay more for an auto policy than someone with a single mid-range sedan and a perfect driving record.

Insurance and its Essential Role to Play in the Life of an Individual


General Insurance is truly considered one of the practical options of a lot of people. Each person is facing a risk at any time in their lives. In understanding risk better, this is more on something uncertain or unpleasant thing that happens. One of the most significant reasons is on getting a peaceful and relaxed mind. This mainly offers security to a person who is more prone to mishaps or risks. The pressure of loss and burden is actually negligible because the loss is entirely covered by the company that manages the policy. You have the opportunity of paying premiums and using it just like your saving account. When you need it in the near future, this will be utilized in covering all your losses.

In this kind of situation, there is a need to make an effort in securing all the things that you own. And, this security is mainly provided by Insurance. You need to be completely aware of insurance policies that are divided into two categories: life and general insurance. This usually helps all businessmen in increasing their productivity and in earning higher profits. They are only required of keeping special reserves in covering all future risks. Business owners will be living their stress-free lives because all of their services and goods are transported from one place to another or one country to another. In the event that possible losses occur during the entire delivery, they would never experience or suffer from the loss.

For you to understand general insurance better, this is mainly covering all properties against the effects brought by burglary, fire and many more. This also consists of the personal cover such as health and Accident Insurance. Apart from it, this also consists of the liability insurance that specifically covers all of your legal liabilities. You would also find a special insurance that is known as a professional indemnity and this is designed for all working professionals. As per this insurance, this is responsible for securing a professional from any possible loss that may come up throughout the employment. In buying a policy, you are also making regular payments like the premiums. If you will be making a claim, an insurer will be paying out for the possible losses that are covered under the policy.

In the event that you’ll not be making a claim, you’ll not have the chance of getting your money. This will be pooled with all of the premiums from other policyholders. You need to always remember that an Insurance advisor has his or her essential role to play in terms of financial planning. He or she is the professional person to help you with your purchase of a policy. They are making a great and connection with the company and customers around. This is mainly present because of the risks that come with it. Actually, all people may be considered as the victims of unexpected situations like theft, accidents, injury accidents, fire, severe weather, illness, lawsuits and many more. They are prone to risks at work, home, traveling, and cars.

The good thing is that economic risk is carefully managed by the insurance industry. In such a formal arrangement of Insurance, insurance policyholder pools all his risks with other policyholders. But then, a particular policyholder is no longer required of establishing a direct connection with other policyholders. Economic security means satisfying his or her needs like medical care, shelter, food and more not only in the present but even in the near future. This always comes with the economic risk that is derived from the differences in the expected outcome. People are always after their security. And, there is not even a single person to live here on earth who would not like the idea of living a secure and safe life.

An insurance advisor has his or her specific role to play in finding Insurance solutions that are after meeting the needs of clients and building the sales of a company. Therefore, an advisor is required of playing his or her essential role. By getting the assistance of an Insurance advisor, expect that you will also be getting the trust of a customer and an insurer. Apart from it, he or she has the role of recommending and identifying the best solutions for meeting the clients’ needs. Product portfolios are also offered for the guaranteed satisfaction of all clients. Such formalities are also completed by an advisor for the policy to be issued completely. If anything seems suspicious, investigators will then do an in-depth study of your life. They’ll look at your criminal records and credit record.